Friday, October 15, 2010


You need to have high grades in school. This is very important.

Getting into college  is an easy task. Many colleges focus on a student's GPA as well as their overall academic behavior and their willingness to learn. Getting good grades while in school can create a number of college opportunities that students can choose from. If a student wishes to get into an advanced college their best bet is to focus on getting good grades throughout their high school years.


·  Colleges typically focus on students who have a GPA of 2.0 or higher. The higher the GPA, the better a student's chance is for getting certain scholarships. According to US University Reviews, most merit-based scholarships look at your GPA and some require a GPA of 3.0 or higher. However, there are other scholarships that identify a student's creative sense and their determination to try rather than their GPA.


·  Getting good grades while in high school is not just important for the future. It is also important during the years that the student is in high school. While in high school, students typically find themselves facing a great deal of peer pressure to smoke or do drugs. Diane Swanbrow, News and Information Services, states that students who get good grades are less likely to smoke in high school, and they're also less likely to smoke during their 20s.


·  Good grades can have a rewarding effect on students. Not only are the teachers happy with the student, parents are, too. Parents and teachers want to see students do well in school. Many rewards are given to students that perform well academically. At the end of the academic year, some schools award students trophies for good grades, states. In some states, athletic teams that maintain a good average GPA are given special patches to wear on their letterman jackets.


·  Students do not have to maintain perfect grades all throughout high school although the rewards associated with good grades can certainly boost self-confidence. However, getting a C in trigonometry isn't going to doom you to a life of minimum wage manual labor, states US University Reviews. What is most important is the effort that students apply while they are in school. A student that tries hard is a student that is willing to succeed.


·  If a student is interested in going to university after secondary school, they need to realize that maintaining good grades and a good GPA continues. The work does not stop once a student graduates high school and goes on to college. Professors expect students to continue working. That means that their efforts and willingness to succeed must also continue.