Friday, October 15, 2010


Hi. So you want to get good grades  in your school? I am very proud of you.
There are many ways to get good grades in school. I am going to tell you some for today and well  tell you the others another time. Now lets begin with the few ones I want you to know for today

School Success Step One.  Attend every class and pay attention in order to get good grades in high school.  If you are not getting enough sleep, you are probably not getting the most out of every class.  So go to bed earlier and get enough sleep so that you will already have absorbed most of the information while in class.  If anything is unclear, don't be afraid to ask for clarification because chances are, many other people will probably have the same question.  You can either ask for help while the teacher is lecturing or after the lecture if you are more shy.  If you still do not understand, try to read it from the textbook, find another book on the library, or find the information on the internet.  Sometimes other people can explain the concept more clearly to you.

School Success Step Two.  Do all homework assigned.  That is one of the simplest, yet most effective, method of getting good grades in high school.  Even if the homework is not for grades, you will benefit by practicing and doing the homework.  Only by practicing will your skills improve to the level that you will do well on exams and tests.  Remember to check your answer to see if you did anything wrong.  You may want to make a special note for questions where you answered incorrectly so that you can come back and review the error later and so that you don't make the same mistake on the exam.  Before the exam, try to find some type of pretest either on the internet, in your textbook, or from your teacher.    You can also come up with your own pretest by thinking of potential questions that you think that the teacher will ask.  This is so that you practice all the concepts learned in a particular unit all at once and try to synthesize all the information learned

You may find that you are rusty on certain points and may want to brush up on them after the pretest.

School Success Step Three.  Make a review sheet of key concepts.  By having a review sheet handy, your last-minute studying will be much easier.  Also, organizing the information for yourself is another level that helps you digest the information.  It's up to you how much information you put on it, but try to put it in a succinct manner and have as many key ideas on it as you can.  Be innovative in how you draft your review sheet.  For example, it can be in the format of a table or perhaps some diagrams that summarize the key concepts.

School Success Step Four.  Review regularly and often to get good grades in high school.  The most critical time to review concepts that you had just learned is right after learning it in order to consolidate the material.  Also review regularly afterwards.  This makes memorizing or internalizing concepts much easier before the exam because you will have tried to incorporate the learned material into your brain with as little effort as possible.  Cramming certainly works for some people but in the long run, you do not really remember much after the exam, and that information may actually be critical in your next course.  Therefore, it sets you off at a disadvantage immediately at the start of the next course.  Another critical time to review, though, is before the exam because you will get your brain juices ready to attack the questions.  Therefore, even though exclusive cramming is not the best, some cramming before your exam is actually beneficial.

School Success Step Five.  Taking time out for relaxation and exercise will enable you to get better grades in high school.  Your grades may actually improve because you allowed your brain to get its required rest.   High school shouldn't only be about studying and getting high grades.  In fact, when applying for scholarships or other types of school, schools often look for leadership experience, community service, or excellence in some other field.  Therefore, have some fun, do some volunteering that you would enjoy, and enjoy the school experience as much as possible.  At the same time, though, do not go overboard and take on too many activities that you feel drained out.  Try to find a balance because then you will excel in your life as well as in school.


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